Monday, August 25, 2008

July Book Club

Lindsey was the fine host of July’s book club event, for which we read “Beautiful Boy – A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Meth Addiction” (Author – David Sheff).

“Beautiful Boy” is a true story about a father’s (David Sheff’s) struggle to help his son (Nic) beat his meth addiction. While that is the main storyline David goes beyond that relationship and recounts the toll his Nic’s addition took on his father’s marriage and Nic’s relationship with his step-mother and step-siblings. A therapist made a great point to remind the family they must take care of themselves first before they become addicted to the addiction. With their own family on the line, the Sheff parents are faced with the hardest questions – What can parents do? How much can parents do? When must the parents let their child figure it out on their own?

We discussed the book while wining (though we had margaritas this time) and dining on a homemade Mexican feast courtesy of Lindsey and her Grandmother, Mary Lou who came down all the way from Brush,CO to cook for us. There was more delicious and authentic food than our group could handle (I think Lindsey is still eating the leftovers she froze). We also managed to fit in a birthday celebration for Lindsey and Laura.
