Friday, October 9, 2009

Its wedding/engagement season for book club members!

Holy cow...there must be something in the water (or maybe its the wine) at BC because the wedding bug is going around! I'd like to give congratulations to the following girls for their upcoming/recent nuptials!!

Corrine-upcoming wedding October 2009 in Costa Rica
Cassie- married this May in St. Lucia
Nicole- upcoming wedding September 2010 in Lakewood
Monika-upcoming wedding June 2010 in Idaho
Alisa-upcoming wedding in Estes Park, 2010

Congratulations to you beautiful, wonderful women. We are all so excited for you and wish you happiness and joy!

Where have we been???

Wow, our last post was from March book club! Where does time go? We've still had our monthly bookclubs, but I have not been diligent about posting.

Here is a recap of what we've been reading:
February- Nicole's house "Flowers for Algernon"
May- Marissa's house "Twilight"
June- Cassie's house "Franny and Zooey"
July- Laura's house "Holes"
August-Alisa's house "Dear John"
September- Lindsey's house "The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes"

Unfortunately, we've also been slacking on our picture taking! I, personally, will make sure that pictures are taken at the next book club at Amanda's house in November!

Happy reading!